How Bluesky Architects are delivering social value within our design practice
March 3, 2022
Bluesky is a woman-led practice with a diverse core team from a range of industry backgrounds.
Alison Quinn is a Director of Bluesky with over 25 years’ experience of architectural practice and interior design. Alison is a passionate and ambitious architect and leads on business operations, client relationships, design quality and staff development.
We are committed to making architecture and the broader construction industry more inclusive. We believe a diverse and inclusive profession, representative of the societies our members work within, is pivotal to meeting the challenges of the future faced by our profession.
We are dedicated to helping protect the future of our industry through enhanced training and giving something back to enable others to benefit from our actions, through staff development and work experience.
Learn more about our social value commitments:
#architecture #femaleled #socialvalues #design #interiordesign